The Facilitator Training: Level 1 June 21-23, 2024

Whole body balanced strength in body and mind.

Classical Mat Pilates & The Grounding Practice ™ that supports the work.


The Facilitator Training:

Join me June 21-23 to unlock the classical teachings of Joseph Pilates and learn The Grounding Practice that supports his work.

If you would like to go deeper in your pilates practice, better understand your body, and be able to ground, sense and feel your body in a more empowered way, I invite you to join me for this weekend.

After 25+ years of teaching movement, anatomy, meditation and pilates, I learned when we align with the right tools to regulate our nervous system, our body feels safe to move forward in strength. When our mind is present and focused, our body can better understand how to find whole body balanced strength.

This is a practice of grounding into the body, breathing, understanding our own unique needs, and wisely moving forward in body and mind. It releases old tension patterns that use “bully muscles” to get all the work done and feel all parts of your body supporting each other. Through strengthening, we create ease with a regulated and empowered system.

In the past, strength training techniques often created more tension in my body. I was a New Yorker who pushed the limits of what I could do. I was a professional dancer and did a form of “Power Pilates.” I woke up stiff every day, my back ached, I had nerve pain, but I kept doing my pilates and pushing through discomfort. I thought I was doing everything I should to “strengthen my core.” I had to nurse countless injuries to learn and finally realize something wasn’t working. 

It took me a while to peel back all the layers and retrain my approach to exercise. Little by little I created the technique I teach today.

I call my technique The Grounding Practice for strengthening body and mind. It feels good, it is revitalizing and it is regulating. When we are present and empowered from within, we embody our wisest selves. 

This wisdom is infectious, influencing all the other humans with whom we coexist on this earth. We are all constantly responding to one another with many different chemical reactions. That means when we are in the presence of a grounded and regulated system we can better regulate ourselves. This is our first step towards world peace. It all starts from within. Become the change you want to see and join me in June.

COST= $675 ($300 due at sign up balance due on or before 6/20/24) Payment plans are offered if needed. No refunds or exchanges, all payments are final.